SpArC Move Welcomed

Two Councillors who have played a significant role in the community campaign to save the SpArC leisure Centre in Bishops Castle have welcomed Shropshire Councils decision to include it in 6 centres it will support under its new leisure strategy.
Johnny Keeley. Shropshire Councillor for Bishops Castle said: “Up till now the Council has been working on the premise that they would only be supporting three ‘Leisure Hubs’ in the County. None anywhere near Bishops Castle. This has now been extended to six centres including SpArC. This is in no small way due to the superb campaign run by many across our community raising SpArC’s profile and around £80,000 of funding to safeguard SpArC. I am delighted that the County has responded to our efforts.”
Heather Kidd added added: “This is fantastic news. SpArC is the only leisure centre in a very rural part of Shropshire. The nearest similar centres are in Shrewsbury and Ludlow. Its not only our leisure centre but our cinema, swimming pool and theatre. It is also used for exercise on precipitation and is the PE facility for the school. I’m glad Shropshire has acknowledges at last the key role it plays in our area.”