Plans to move Shropshire Council’s offices descended into chaos recently when Shropshire’s Conservative Administration decided to close down their offices in Shirehall, Shrewsbury a month before the new offices in the Guildhall would be ready!
This has been an utter shambles, with staff and the public being left in the dark about what is happening. Our latest information is that most staff will now be working from home (and paying for their own heating) until the new accommodation is ready. However, Council meetings will still take place there, and some tenants and departments, such as the registrar, will operate there until December.
WORK STARTS ON NEW HOMES IN CHIRBURY The developer is now clearing the site and building work should start soon. The aim is to have the homes ready by August or September 2025. If you have a connection with Chirbury and are interested in a home then please register with ‘Homepoint’ as soon as possible as there is a 20-week delay in processing applications. This will allow you to bid on a property when they are completed. Contact me for more details
DRAINS AND GULLIES The severe rain the other week revealed just how many are blocked across our area. I have reported many of these to the Council, but if you have one blocked near you, then report it to ‘FixMyStreet’ ( and let me know. I will try my best to get the Council to clear them.
GRIT BINS Soon the seasons of frost will be upon us. If you have an empty grit bin near you let me know. I will try to get them filled, but given the parlous state of the Council’s finances, this might be hard work.
Best wishes
Heather Kidd,
Shropshire Councillor for Chirbury and Worthen.