Community unable to express their views on hospital beds closure

Heather’s report for June 2023
Around 150 packed the Community College’s Hall on 5 June to grill representatives of local health bodies (Integrated Care Board and Shropshire Community Hospital Trust (ShropCom) about their second attempt to close the hospital by stealth in the last 18 months.
It was pretty clear that the representatives of the Care Board and Shropcom were shocked at the strength of feeling amongst local residents and irritation about the way that they have handled this.
I think we made an impact on the officers present. Certainly they are now promising to change to way they ‘engage’ with the community but there are still considerable problems.
What is critical is that as many of us as possible take part in this ‘engagement’ (Consultation in other words) as possible. To take part go on line at this link:
or phone Heather if you want a paper copy. This engagement runs until 19 July,

iii. A488 Hope Valley. There was another shambles this month with the Council’s contractors failing to give notice, refusing to allow access for school vehicles and failing to put up adequate diversion signs. I have made a strong complaint (again) to Shropshire.

Best wishes