Heather’s Report for May 2023

Hedgerow Removal.
Anyone removing more than 25 meters of hedgerow MUST apply for a licence or a form of planning permission. There are grants available for farmers now to restore and replace hedges.
Anyone removing a hedgerow in the spring could have committed a criminal act by destroying the nests of birds protected by the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981. Penalties that can be imposed for criminal offences in respect of a single bird, nest or egg contrary to the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 is an unlimited fine, up to six months imprisonment or both. The season for not removing or cutting hedges now runs from March to 31 August.
Chirbury – Whittery road repairs.
These have been chaotic as there had not been a proper survey of the site and the crews appeared shocked by the condition of the road. This is despite our Highways Technician being clear on this. They then had to do further work to fully repair the area for resurfacing and ran out of Tarmac.. As I go the press further dates at the end of May are in place to then resurface. Let’s hope that works well!
Marton Housing.
Having had a drop-in session some time ago to gauge the local housing need Connexus Housing Association suddenly announced that they were to put in a planning application for 10 houses. They will have a further meeting for residents in the area on Monday 22 May at 4pm and 7pm. Interestingly I now have 3 households from the village of Marton looking for homes. These homes are for local people from the villages around.
Welsh Air Ambulance consultation
There have been 2 packed consultation meetings in Welshpool Town Hall. I attended the first. Those in charge of these consultations to move the helicopter base to North Wales now seem to be using some more realistic data. We need to keep vigilant and keep the pressure up on this. My colleagues from Bishops Castle and Churchstoke also attended to make sure our voices are heard and this service continues to work with our air ambulance to cover our area.
Shopping centres.
A further £4 million has been borrowed by Shropshire Council to progress work on the shopping centres. The Council is now endeavouring – with the help of consultants costing around £4 million – to save £1 million per week.
Heather Kidd
Shropshire Councillor for Chirbury and Worthen
Tel: 07980635518 email: heather.kidd@shropshire.gov.uk also on Facebook.