Dear All
This is a quick email to keep you all updated on possible charging on the Bog Car Park.
Mark Blount of Outdoor Partnerships – the old Countryside unit -came to the Parish Council at Stiperstones last night to float the idea of asking for voluntary contributions for parking on the car park. His ideas are far from set in stone – as yet – and were thoroughly discussed by the Parish. The basic idea was to try to obtain some income towards the upkeep of the car park from tourists and other visitors. He has no budget for continued upkeep.
I was pleased to hear them all raise the issues I had already raised with him. Members of the public attending also took part. Concerns raised were:
It was also made clear that this is the only car park in the area owned by Country partnerships and has no association with the town car parks and their charging scheme. The one on the Stiperstones is owned by Natural England.
He has now gone to consider his options.
I hope that helps keep you all up to date with events on the Bog Car Park. Please pass on to anyone who is not already on my email list. I will willingly add them to it if they email me.