Dear All
At last! I now have a date for the works to be completed on the road in Stiperstones. It has taken ages to get Ringway to discuss the work and a lot for persistent nagging. I had the following email today,
The works will primarily consist of the installation of 2 more road gullies at the identified low spots/ ponding areas, a kerb and roll over with associated works to prevent water entering the private property of the bungalow to the south of the site, as highlighted by the resident.
We have also looked at and will be undertaking the resurfacing of the footway to the south of the school while we are there.
It was agreed that these works will take place in the first week of the school holidays, week commencing 25/7/16, due to the locality of the School.
The works will NOT require a closure but are likely to need traffic lights for some of the works. I have reassured the Stiperstones Inn that there will be no issue with customers or residents making journeys to and from their establishment or the shop etc.
I hope this sees the end of this now!