By Nigel Hartin
Lib Dem Councillor for Clun Division
I attended a local meeting in Ludlow recently put on by by a colleague
on Shropshire Council Cllr Viv Parry. It was the second in a series of
meetings where local objectors to a scheme for 187 houses in Foldgate
Lane Ludlow could discuss how to respond to a public enquiry planning
appeal taking place over 4 days in August. The scheme was not identified
as a suitable site in the SamDev development management plan and had been
consequently refused for this and a number of other reasons, however the
applicant is clearly trying to get it passed on appeal – Personally I
don’t think they stand a chance of getting it passed given the reasons
for refusal but at least the scheme had provision for a much needed 36
affordable homes.
Unfortunately the provision of ANY affordable housing at all in
Shropshire in the future now looks in doubt following two landmark,
potentially disastrous, decisions by David Cameron’s government.
The first of these is the passing of the Housing Bill which had been
held up by objections by the House of Lords but which the Government has
now forced through into law. The government is, as part of this bill,
consulting on a minimum requirement of 20% starter homes on all
developments of 10 homes or more – (these starter homes are basically
slightly cheaper homes to buy) – but which nevertheless will still be
unaffordable to many people in low wage Shropshire. Because we have
nowhere in Shropshire where we currently insist on more than 20%
affordable housing/contribution – (by affordable we mean housing to rent
or part rent/buy) this means that if this 20% ‘starter home’ policy is
adopted it will replace our existing policy for 20% ‘affordable homes’
completely, meaning no more homes for rent/part-buy on big housing
Not to worry I hear you say! – after all 92% of all housing developments
in Shropshire are for less than 10 homes & Shropshire’s planning policy
requires a range of affordable housing or contributions to affordable
housing ranging from 13% – 20% on those, so we will still be able to
build homes for rent! – except, because of a very recent High Court
ruling where the Housing Minister Brandon Lewis won an appeal to make it
unlawful for Councils to adopt policies to require affordable housing on
plots of less than 10 homes – we wont!
Shropshire Council is therefore currently rushing through Cabinet a
paper to remove our existing policy to require affordable housing on
developments of 10 homes or less & we await the result of the Government
consultation on starter homes which could remove the requirement for
developers to build affordable housing at all!
So there we have it! – Zilch affordable housing on small plots from now
on & very soon potentially Zilch affordable housing allowed on bigger
sites as well! – A result for developers no doubt who, removed from the
requirement to build pesky & less profitable affordable homes which
local people in low wage areas can afford to rent or buy, can maximise
their profits by building the bigger 4 & 5 bed homes which generate more
dosh for them! – The only bodies still building affordable homes for
rent or part rent will be Housing Associations – except haven’t they had
their funding slashed by the government? & also told they have to sell
off homes under new ‘right to buy’ rules?
Clearly our housing waiting lists are about to get bigger & bigger
whilst the avaliable housing gets less & less with all the misery that
brings to those on the waiting lists – whilst we adapt, if we can, to
the new government ideology.
Cllr Nigel Hartin
Clun Division
Shropshire Council