2,500 Signature SpArC Petition Handed to Council

Over 2,500 residents in the Bishops Castle area have signed a petition calling on Shropshire Council to adequately fund the SpArC leisure centre in the town

th) by local resident Kate Evans.

Speaking to the meeting Ms Evans stressed:

l The key role the Centre played -young and old alike use it from across a wide and the determination of local communities to keep it open.
l The need for isolated rural communities to be able to access exercise facilities including exercise on prescription.
l The special services it provided including swimming for over 50’s. and its help people and help with loneliness and mental health issues.

They asked for help from Council and to for officers to meet the petitioners. Not referred to by .Cllr .Steve .Charmley. Ignored the requests of the petition but said he would encourage and supports officers work.
