This month the Government has extended the ‘Super Connected Cities’ broadband scheme to cover Shropshire. This, potentially, is very good news for our area as it gives small businesses the opportunity to get grants of up to £3,000 to source their own superfast broadband from suppliers using mobile phone technology. Anyone interested should go to their website at for details.
There are some questions about this (scheme) i.e. Will we be allowed to use local, supplier?, but it could provide a solution for many local businesses.
My colleagues and myself continue to press the Council to commit to giving a decent broadband connection the rest of us!
I am still having problems with Shropshire Council’s IT systems. It is still losing emails! If you have emailed me and I haven’t replied, please try again or ring me on 07980635518.
Although I am quite busy with the election, please do not hesitate to contact me as your councillor with any problems. That is what I’m elected to do.
Best wishes
Heather Kidd
Shropshire Councillor for Chirbury and Worthen