National Petition Against A Housing Developers ‘Free for All’

Responsible department: Department for Communities and Local Government
We the undersigned support the principles of the NPPF but believe that its implementation has led to unanticipated consequences.

Opportunist planning applications are being lodged around the country where planning authorities have not adopted their Core Strategy nor have a 5 year housing land supply. In these cases, all planning rules seem to be abandoned including many of the core planning principles in the NPPF.

We believe that such large scale development risks massive, irreversible damage to our villages and the surrounding countryside.

We do not believe that this was the intention of the NPPF and ask the Government to urgently introduce three specific amendments:

1. to allow decision makers to take into account the cumulative effect of development as a material planning consideration;

2. to allow planning authorities an extension of time to adopt a new Core Strategy; and

3. to require a sequential test to be applied to encourage the effective use of brown field land.