Snailbeach and Stiperstones News – Report from Heather Kidd for September

Due to the ground conditions (i.e. the tough conditions digging through rock) and width of the road, they are unable to allow access through the road closure for now. They will still maintain foot access and try to ensure access at all times to properties within the road closure.The Stiperstones Inn and the Church are both was more than willing for local residents and parents to use the car park facilities to drop off children and walk through the works to the school.
Severn Trent are continuing to send out weekly/event changing updates via our new text messaging service, should you wish to advertise this further, residents can sign up for the free text alerts by texting PERKINS, to 01952 780333

Shropshire’ this is very disappointing. I am continue to press the Council and BT to deliver on their promises and to consider funding innovative local solutions to this problem.

. Lastly as I’m sure you have read in the papers the Accident and Emergency and Acute Stroke Care facilities at the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital are under threat. It seems Health Trust want to move them to Telford which is another 20 minutes journey time. There is a critical period – the ‘golden hour’ as is called – which is crucial to the survival of many accident and stroke victims. Given the ambulance response times we have in our area, adding this extra journey time will seriously put patients lives at risk. (c. 6th item down on ‘recent updates’) or look on the back page of my FOCUS newsletter which was distributed recently.