Update on Roads and Flooding in Worthen

Dear All

I have just had my monthly Highways meeting and am now report back on roads across the area. The Lean gang continues to work across the Division filling potholes along the roads they are working on. Gews have also restarted Gulley sucking.
Glyn Shaw will be out with the road safety officer Brian Williams from the Police, looking to see what else can be done to slow traffic on a variety of roads around the area. These include Wotherton, Marton, Worthen and Brockton, Blackford and the Hope Valley. There are others.
The road both sides of Shelve is in poor condition- as many of you know! This will be patched and the piece of road down to the A488 will need more serious work called haunching and this will be very expensive. Gary will patch until this can be afforded.
The Leigh Road
This road is in a dreadful state and in a County survey it has come up in the top 10 of the worse roads. There may be extra money for these roads and Gary Jones – our Highways Technician-will bid for money to do serious repairs on this road. If I get any further information I will let you know.
Lower Lane, Chirbury.
Gary and Helen Walters will be looking at the brook next week . Gary will spend some of the highways budget to replace a missing stretch of barrier near Corndon View.
The road to Rorrington has been damaged by two large lorries, the last has made a real mess. This will be repaired today and tomorrow.
Snailbeach Sign
The pedestrian sign near the village Hall has been knocked down. I have reported it and it will be replaced when the Ringway has a gap in its work.
Flooding in Brookside/ Millstream- dredging.
The Environment Agency are keen to rush through the licence for the stream to be widened from the beginning of May onwards. There are some ecological restraints to be put on the work because the survey showed that there were recent signs of otters using the far bank to access the brook. There were also otter droppings. This means that the brook will be widened less on the far side nearer to Brookside Close- they will need to keep 1 meter from the hedge – but they will allow it to be widened on the other side.

Brockton Brook
Land drainage officer, Helen Walters will look at the shale there next week and discuss it with the Bridge Engineer. I am still looking for old pictures of the bridge and brook to prove it has not always been like this.

Marton- main road
Gary is getting a price for the resurfacing of the road through Marton.


Heather Kidd