February Marton News

January and February saw a number of col;d spells hit Shropshire. On the whole the Council’s contractors (Ringway and some local farmers) did a pretty good job gritting and most roads remained passable.

However, we are not out of the woods yet and we could have more bad weather before this winter is done. If your grit bin is empty let me know and I’ll get it refilled. If it does snow again and you need your road gritted do give me a ring. It helps me argue the case for minor roads if you or a neighbour need access to medical care or need a carer to come in.

I am determined this year that resurfacing the road through Marton wont fall foul of the Highway’s Department’s cuts. I now have monthly meetings with their officers and will keep pressing them to get this done as early as possible in the new financial year.

The only road works pending in our immediate area are on Hampton Beech. The road there will be close from 21st to 26th March for resurfacing.

I have been struck, when doing my rounds recently, how many residents eligible for ‘Attendance Allowance’ have not claimed this tax free and non means-tested benefit. If you are disabled or infirm and need others to care for you or do household tasks, you should claim. Give me a call and I can refer you to a very nice lady who will help you claim and check you have all the other support you are entitled to.