Marton News November 2012

The roads in and around Marton remain the major issue this month.
The road through the village is still deteriorating. If you have not signed the petition yet there’s still a chance as I will be calling around shortly. I will then be handing it into the Area Director of Highways. We really must get this sorted in the new year! or ring 07980635518.
A delivery lorry has damaged the bridge near Folly Cottages. Early indications suggest that the bridge may need to be closed at some point to repair the damage. I will keep you posted.
After further discussion with the Highways Department the advisory speed limit scheduled for the accident black spot near Stocktonwill be extended, when installed, to cover the Stockton itself.
I’m running behind schedule with the 30mph wheelie bin stickers. Due to heavy demand, we are having to reprint another batch. I will be dropping them off round the village shortly. I’ve also had some ‘Slow Down’ printed for residents outside the speed limit. Studies show they have a significant impact on driving behaviour.
Lastly winter is fast approaching. I have checked many grit bins in the area but let me know if there are any empty ones near you. Likewise if we get a freeze and you have problems getting around on the roads, ring me.
If you have anything I can help with, please email or ring me. Tel; 01938 561651 or 07980 63551
Best wishes
Heather Kidd
Shropshire Councillor for Chirbury and Worthen Division.