The Low Paid Public Sector In Shropshire

When the coalition decided that public sector pay should be frozen but the low paid- those earning less than £21, 000 – should get a £250 rise, I thought that stood the fairness test in good stead. When fuel, heating and food costs are rising it is only right to protect those with a low income. In our part ofShropshireaverage pay stands at around £22,000. This puts many of those inSouth Shropshireon low incomes.
Unfortunately the Coalition did not bargain for Shropshire Council. They will be cutting up to 5.4% from every Council employee down to £13,400! Why did they stop there? Because after that the minimum wage is breached.Shropshireit seems does not want to protect those who are already struggling. They did not even think that those above £52,000 should take a cut. But that has had to change and now at least senior staff will share the pain. The Council work force will not even be assured by their bosses that their jobs are safe if they agree to the cut in their wages.
Money is available to at least freeze wages under £21,000 but this has not been considered. Indeed was dismissed out of hand. In Liverpool and Sheffield the Labour administrations are giving the £250 rise to those on less than £21,000 – as are Conservative runSurreyand Conservative / Lib Dem Wirral Council.
These cuts will remove any disposable income our workers may have had and will further threaten our shops and other businesses. Just affording food and heating this winter will be a major problem for many of these people when we are all faced with energy cost rises hitting the heights of 18%.