Threatened Schools Deliver Petitions In Style

Three Primary Schools threatened with closure in South Shropshire delivered petitions from their communities in style to the Council this week.
A consultation response from Onny School was delivered on Thursday whilst on Friday it was Lydbury North and Stiperstones turn complete with tractor, float and busload of supporters. The cavalcade wound its way to Shire hall with music blearing.
Schools campaigner Heather Kidd said “This was a fantastic turnout and an extremely well organised one. It is a great pity that the Council didn’t have the grace to provide a member of the cabinet or a senior officer to accept these petition, instead doing the ‘nobody is available routine’. Someone surely could have spared a few minutes.”
Lydbury North handed in a petition of 1650 signatures (which is still open and continues to grow. Stiperstones handed in over 2400 signatures as evidence of their massive support..
Heather concluded “Now the Council Administration are vacillating about whether or not to give these schools a debate at the next council. Up till now petitions over 1,000 signatures were guaranteed a 15minute debate. But now it seems they are thinking of moving the goal posts are refusing them that chance. They may only get the 3minutes they were already entitled to at Cabinet.”