Minister Tackled Over Rural Cuts Plight

Heather Kidd, Lib Dem Councillor for Chirbury and Worthen, met Richard Benyon MP, Minister for the Countryside, yesterday (8 Feb)to try to persuade the Government to take extra measures to soften the blow of its cuts in rural areas.
Heather was part of a delegation of 20 rural councillors from across England from the Local Government Association.
Heather gave a presentation on transport issues including how the increase in fuel prices has hit rural areas and will continue to bite deeper if fuel duty is further increased.
Her points included:

l The effect of increased fuel prices on young people (often in part time work) and the extra costs of travel to work to a rural area. Many have round trips of 40 to 50 miles.

l How voluntary car drivers are out of pocket due to the 40p a mile limit they are paid. This will hit hard the Government’s concept of a ‘Big Society’.
l Carers are feeling the pinch and there is some evidence that Shropshire may face problems with carers finding it difficult to make ends meet when contracts are updated.

l Reduction in bus services in rural areas because of fuel and other funding issues.

l Fuel poverty and the price of heating oil.
Heather said “This was a really good opportunity to bring home to the Minister the extra impact that cuts and increased fuel duties are having on rural areas and suggest measures to deal with it.”
“The 40p a mile limit for volunteers is particularly vexing for areas like South Shropshire. I know it is impacting on services such as the hospital car scheme in Clun and Ludlow. It’s simply wrong that a volunteer should be out of pocket for doing his or her bit for the community. The Inland Revenue has not increased the figure since 2002 and an update is long overdue.”
“The Minister promised to ‘rurally proof’ Government policies in the future. DEFRA will take over doing this when the Commission for Rural Communities is axed. We must hold them to this.” Heather added.