Our Young People Are Being Let Down By The System

No-one seems interested these days in looking after our young people. They are often criticised for the activities of the few and rarely given credit for the charity fund raising, the hard academic work or the good natured support they often give family and friends. On top of that they are frequently handed the short straw by their ‘elders and betters’ in power.
Heather Kidd said “Having 4 daughters ranging from 24 to 15 years old and having been a teacher over 30 years, I have seen this at first hand.We cannot go on encouraging up to 50% of our young people into University when many will not be able to then use their degree to gain employment. The Country is sitting on a time bomb with many young people compelled into tens of thousands of pounds of debt – many with a poor prospect of well paid work.”
“We are expecting each of them to pay back that education debt*, to fund their own pensions and afford to buy somewhere to live. In our part of Shropshire they will need to be earning around £60,000 a year to buy an average open market house (National Housing Federations figures). Little wonder that they do not start families until later in life.”
“We hear that the company dealing with student loans are still not providing that vital loan money for many students to live on whilst studying, but of course the people working in the company are entitled to bonuses! Has the world gone mad? It appears that if loans companies and bankers do a poor job, the only people who are penalised are those receiving the services and the Tax payer. Somewhere at sometime, someone in power must take responsibility for the disenfranchisement of the younger generation and look to all our futures.”