Tory Conference 09: Not liberal, not progressive, not fit for government says Heather Kidd

Not liberal:
Cameron would scrap the Human Rights Act
Cameron voted to retain Section 28
‘Liberal’ is still a term of abuse for the Tories – frontbencher Jeremy Hunt recently attacked the BBC for having a ‘liberal bias’
Not progressive:
Cameron would cut taxes for millionaires – at a cost to the country of £4.4bn – while doing nothing to help low earners
40% of children in poverty live in one-parent households, yet the Tories’ tax credit reform proposals will only help couples while doing nothing for single parents
Not fit for Government:
Economically illiterate – Cameron and Osborne would cut before, not after an economic recovery, risking plunging UK back into recession
Fiscally incompetent – six unfunded pledges leave a black hole of £53bn in Tory plans according to Treasury estimates; by contrast, Cameron’s recent ‘salad’ speech on cutting costs set out just £120m of savings
Cameron’s foreign policy would leave the UK isolated on the lunatic fringe of Europe, less safe from terrorism and international crime
Cameron’s claim he will fix broken politics rings hollow in the light of his refusal to punish George Osborne for ‘flipping’ his second home, a move by which the Shadow Chancellor made himself £55,000