A488 Landslips

This problem started over a year ago when the edge of the A488 broke away limiting traffic to one lane only. Traffic lights were installed and despite a lot of pressure from me and residents, nothing has been done to repair the road. Since then, two more sections of road have crumbled away leaving motorists having to navigate three sets of traffic lights.

The problem has been made much worse as the Council’s contractors Amberon have not always acted quickly to put them right. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve reported the lights being either completely out or even green at both ends.

They didn’t seem to care how long the lights were out and it’s been very hard work to get them to turn out to repair them. The result is that we have had a significant number of near misses with traffic traveling in both ways down the single lane. That’s no joke when you meet the service bus or a crane!

The Council are now thinking of putting up some semi-permanent lights. However, what we need immediately is contractors who now come out urgently to keep the lights in proper working order before someone is hurt or worse. We also need an urgent long-term solution to this problem before more of the road crumbles away and becomes impassible!

A490 landslip

The Chirbury to Churchstoke landslip will be ‘celebrating’ its 5th birthday on 17th February. I am asking local resident to sign a letter in Chirbury Shop asking highways to stand by their pledge to do that this summer. We need to see the plans around that ‘fix’ soon.

Eastridge Woods, Snailbeach.(and the road at Habberley)

As we go to press a meeting has been arranged with Forestry England, Snailbeach Village Hall, Highways, the Parish Council, the police if available, Shropshire Countryside and I to find a way to manage the use of the woods and the impact on the area.

Empty Grit Bins?

Winter may not be done with us yet. If your grit bin is empty then contact heather on 07980 635518 or heather.kidd@shropshire.gov.uk. You can also put this on FixMyStreet but let me know too, please.

Council Election Next May

Although the Government has introduced sweeping changes to Council’s throughout England, Shropshire will remain unchanged and elections for a new council will go ahead on Thursday 1st May 2025.

Remember you will need some photo ID to vote – drivers licence, passport etc (see: https://www.gov.uk/how-to-vote/photo-id-youll-need for a full list). If you would prefer to vote by post and haven’t registered to do so then phone or email: elections@shropshire.gov.uk/ 0345 678 9015


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