Dear All
One of our residents in Worthen had this recently:
At approximately 5.20 this evening I had a telephone call from a man purporting to be Detective Morgan from the Met. His number was LD305 and the crime reference was T9374.
He stated that they had arrested someone called Allan ? who had my details. He did know my name. He said I could have had my identity stolen and would I check I had all my cards, Licence and Passport etc. He then asked me to ring 999 and give his name so that they were sure I was the right person. He could then give me more details of the crime. I said I would ring 999 which I think he expected me to do whilst he was on the line. I then put the phone down.

Rightly this was reported to our local Police. As they thought- it was a scam – so if this happens to you always put the phone down and ring a known contact number when they have cleared the line.