Brookside Worthen Flooding meeting – Oct 6th October 2022

Brookside Flooding meeting – Oct 6th October 2022

Notes and actions:

There were 33 people in attendance who signed up to update emails.

The Panel included – John Bellis, Drainage and Flood Risk Manager, Shropshire Council, Environment Agency Officer for local area, Richard Tongue, Chair of the Parish Council. Chaired by Cllr Heather Kidd.

Scene setting by Heather Kid, John Bellis and the EA.

Issues and actions:

* John Bellis to find the original plans for this area for implementation.

* Sandbags for use asap – John Bellis (JB) to arrange that a community member can collect enough for local with flood risk. Andy Bissell – resident of Brookside Close.

* Richard Tongue (RT) to arrange storage on behalf of the Parish Council

* John B putting in bid for recyclable Flood sacks for future use.

* Signs to be obtained saying ‘SLOW- DEEP WATER ‘ or something similar. This is to reduce the risk of cars being written off and wash destroying property around the flood. JB

* Storage by Parish Council – RT

* Highways need to be alerted and take quick responsibility for the deep mud left on road as the water recedes. JB and HK

* The bridge across the brook in Brookside needs to be lifted. To recuce debris being held there. Richard Knight to be contacted. HK & JB

* Sleeper bridge needs improvement. Parish to discuss with farmer?

* Emergency services need to be engaged to discuss entry during a flood. Access through the back field offered by no.3 Millstream. JB and HK?

* The pipe from Brookside to brook needs upgrading as discussed before the Pandemic.

* EA number to contact when flooding occurs 0800 405060 this is a 24 hour number

* The EA to find quicker mechanisms to allow brook clearance. Will work with Moira

* Parish to work with community to put together community team for flooding work.

* JB to circulate the flood reduction plans and strategy for our area – slowing the flow.

* Connexus plans for Rectory Gardens flood support to be requested. HK