Adult Social Care. House of Lords Call for Evidence – Lifting the veil: Removing the invisibility of Adult Social Care

‘The House of Lords Adult Social Care Committee was established in 2022 to consider how to improve the planning and delivery of adult social care services in England.
The committee has launched a major enquiry, ‘Lifting the veil: Removing the invisibility of adult social care’. They want to hear from carers as well as individuals who use social care services.
The call for evidence has a section for family and unpaid carers to give their feedback on 7 questions relating to support that would make a difference for carers, including support to remain in or start paid work if they wish to do so and how carers’ wellbeing and resilience can be supported.
The deadline for submissions is 27 May 2022.

If a family and unpaid carer would like to take part they can either:

Call for Evidence – Committees – UK Parliament
Call for evidence

Many thanks

Margarete Davies
Shropshire Carers Manager & Carer Lead,
Community Partnerships, Adult Social Care.
Shropshire Council.