Work on Lanslip on A490

Chirbury to Churchstoke (A490) landslip update

Many people have asked (and continue to ask) what is happening to the landslip on the Chirbury to Churchstoke Road(the A490). The temporary traffic lights are particularly annoying. The latest news is not great in terms of timescale but at least Highways engineers are working on a solution.
This is what they propose:

a) moving the road over,
b) placing a concrete slab across the road
c) putting in a reinforced concrete wall -piling the edge

This will all take time to work through and design, it is not thought that works will start until the end of next year or the beginning of 2022. I will keep the pressure on to get this sorted.
I am pleased the traffic lights will be changed and that they are considering putting concrete blocks in for safety along the Dingle edge.