Housing needs survey for the Chirbury & Worthen area
This is for anyone who may need a home in the next few years.
A bungalow? A 2 or 3 bedroom home to buy? A family home to rent? This is for you, your family and friends from our area.
Homes across Chirbury and Worthen Division started receiving housing needs forms today. These are for everyone to fill in if you need housing now or know you will in the next few years. That’s homes to buy and rent! if you have family who want to move back here get them to fill it in too! THIS IS REALLY IMPORTANT – WE CAN’T MAKE DEVELOPERS BUILD THE RIGHT HOUSING UNLESS WE KNOW WHAT YOU ALL NEED!
https://www.righthomerightplace.co.uk/ or a paper one sent in the post. If you want a paper form contact me.
No one will be tied into the homes you opt for but unless you tell the Council what you might need it will not happen.