Dear All
The elections on May 5 have some good news for us all. We are back to winning in Council elections!!! We have taken more seats than any other Party and are the only Party to take control of a Council – Watford. See table below.
Scotland shows we can take seats from the SNP, here in England good candidates and hard work are now paying off again and sadly in Wales only Kirsty Williams held and improved her majority. The other 4 seats were all Regional list seats and there was little targeting to keep the list vote up and 4 good Assembly Members lost their seats to UKIP.
The UK share of the vote FOR Lib Dems was 15%! Back where we have been! Now we need to spend the next year working to remove the Tory Shropshire Council majority. We have the advantage of a U turning Tory Government and a poorly thought of Tory Council. We are in a great position to capitalise on that.