Since 2009 Local Joint Committees have received funding from Shropshire Council to give grants to community groups. Our Committee has given out a considerable number to help active and effective groups in our communities. We have helped applicants as diverse as village halls, youth groups and sports clubs.Unfortunately in this last round of cuts this funding was scrapped. The members of our committee however, felt that this was too valuable a scheme to lose as it was the only dedicated grant pot for our area. We have therefore decided to launch our own independent scheme.
The LJC has been working with Council Officers and members of the Parish councils. So far the Committee has raised £1,700 by donations from Parish Councils and local businesses but needs more.
In relatively remote rural areas like ours community groups play a major role in our towns and villages funding senior citizens Christmas lunches to village Hall. We have provided essential match funding for Lottery bids. With sources of funds drying up it is critical that we retain a local fund. We are therefore appealing to local businesses to contribute. In return we can promise a lot of publicity for any donors contribution both in the form of literature, press and a special ‘Helping My Community’ logo that they can display.
The South West Shropshire Community Grant Scheme will be available for small grant applications in the near future. In the meantime if there are any potential donors sout there could they contact me on 07980 635518 or