Villagers in Bentlawnt are meeting in Hope Village Hall on Thursday to voice their disapproval of a proposal to build an estate of executive homes overlooking the village
Heather Kidd, (who organised the meeting ) said: ” The developer proposes to build 7 houses opposite and above the shop in Bentlawnt. This proposal does not take into account the views of our communities as
laid out in the Parish Plan. The plan emphasised a requirement for 2/3 bed roomed houses in small developments – ones or twos on infill sites.

“It is also in a very awkward position overlooking many properties, with a potentially dangerous entry point on a steep pitch with poor visibility onto the road. Runoff and sewerage issues have not been thought out either.”

The meeting will be help in Hope Village Hall at 7.30pm on Thursday 10th July.
Photo: Heather at bottom of proposed site.