How to object to the proposed development next to Millfield House, Worthen

The easiest way is to object on line using the link below.
Alternatively you can do so in writing to: The Planning department, Shropshire Council, Abbey Foregate, Shrewsbury SY2 6ND
Please also write to Philip Dunne MP to express your views at 54 Broad Street, Ludlow SY8 1GP

Planning points to include in you planning objection to the building of 25 houses next to Millfield House.
Reference: 14/00398/OUT (validated: 29/01/2014)
Address: Land Adjacent Millfield House, Worthen, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY5 9HT
Proposal: Outline application for the erection of up to 25No dwellings (to include access including new footpath)
Applicant: Mr Ben Holloway (2 Summer Hill, Douglas, IM2 4PJ)

Against the Parish Plan (adopted in January 2014)
Road safety. Straight fast road. Police enforce the limit at Millfield house.
No safe crossing and pavement to school, new doctors and Village Hall
Out of character with the main road housing development.
Drainage issues at Millstream already. Flooding. The old Mill Race runs across this field and is not drained properly. The field drains towards Millstream.
Sewage problems are already causing significant problems.
And anything else that will affect the community.
Please do this immediately, online or by letter.