70 plus Villagers in Worthen met on Saturday to discuss how to oppose proposals by a developer from the Isle of Man to build 25 houses in the village ignoring public opinion and the recently published Parish Plan.

Philip Dunne MP outlined his thoughts – including encouraging Shropshire Council to spend money on refusing applications and paying for appeals.
The meeting heard that this application would be decided under the National Planning Policy not our local Shropshire one. Shropshire Council will to have their SAMDEV plans adopted before local policy will apply, which will take another 6-12 months.

Residents decided to:
1. Sign a petition to go to the two Ministers decrying these changes to planning regulations to effectively marginalised local opinion.**
2. Put in as many objections as possible.**
3. Write to Philip Dunne MP to take this up with Nick Boles MP Minister for planning.

A five year land supply is the amount of land needed by the County to deliver the housing we need for the next 5 years.
** The petition and guidance on how to object i.e. the correct criteria etc appear elsewhere on this website.