Worthen Area Report for February

Heathers Report for February 2014

. After a lot of discussion, I have had an assurance from Mr Lydes of the Post Office that the outreach service will continue in Worthen Shop (plus Marton and Snailbeach) after the change of postmaster in Pontesbury Post Office whoever runs the new service.

There has been such an outcry about the Post Office’s decision to reject the move to ‘Connections’ that the Post Office have reviewed their decision and opened a new consultation. A drop-in session is to be held in Pontesbury Public Hall 4.45pm to 7.45 pm on Tuesday 18th March. The consultation will. end in early April with a decision to be announced in May / June.

. The tender for the ‘Monty Bus’ has come up again. I have put in an expression of support for this service providing as it does the only bus service through our village. For many it is the only way to get to work, school or town.

If you think you or your family will need affordable housing in our area in the future please apply to be on the housing list. to do this ring Shropshire Council on 0345 6789005 and ask for the housing options team.

A developer has put in an application to build 25 houses on this site. This runs against the views of the community as expressed in our recently adopted Parish Plan. This envisaged the need for about 30 small family houses in small batches built over the next 12 years.
We will be running a letter writing campaign to the developer and also a petition to the local Government Minister, Eric Pickles MP, protesting about the new regulations he has introduced that allows developers to build what they want.

See my website: www.heatherkidd.org or ring/email me for details

Best wishes

Heather Kidd
Shropshire Councillor for Chirbury and Worthen
07980635518 heather.kidd@shropshire.gov.uk