Worthen Report for November

I have long had serious concerns about the depth and scope of the cuts Shropshire Council are making to services in our area but things are now poised to get worse.
As part of attempts to cut the UK Government’s spending deficit Shropshire was asked to cut £40 million from its spending for this year but instead is cutting £80 million. Worse it is going to sell off virtually all its existing property and create whit is calls a ‘virtual council’ using rented property as accommodation. Whilst there is some spare property that should be sold,selling everything will only mean a short term gain with the taxpayer loosing out in the long term as we end up paying for rental on expensive commercial property for an indefinite period.

There also seems to be no strategy in place to manage the Council’s redundancy programme either with many Departments, Planning for instance, loosing too many members of staff for it to function properly.


I have had several people tell me how pleased they are that during the recent bouts of heavy rain the Brook has not flooded – when it would have done in recent years. Lets keep our fingers crossed that it stays that way!
I’d like to thank various Officers from the Council, the Environment Agency and Severn Trent for their pragmatic approach to this problem. Funding from both the Council and the Parish Council was also greatly appreciated.


There was a very successful drop in session to show residents the final draft of the Worthen with Shelve Parish Council Parish Plan in Hope Village Hall on Sunday 17th November. The plan outlines how we would like our area to develop in future years including the number of new houses etc.

If you missed the event and would like further details then get in touch with me (or look on the Parish website).

The Council has been trying to use EU regulations on support for private businesses as an excuse for not delivering on broadband to much of our area. Recently, I brought down Phil Bennion, Member of the European Parliament for the West Midlands to meet local businesses including a company in Pennerley that specalises in this field. Phil will be putting pressure on the council to say exactly where is due for an upgrade (its all rather vague at present) as well as clarifying with the European Commission how they can fund private companies to help expand the coverage.


If anyone would like my regular e-mail updates on events, roadworks etc then drop me a line at the e-mail address below.

Best wishes

Heather Kidd
Shropshire Councillor for Chirbury and Worthen Division