Packed Broadband Meeting.


Clun Memorial Hall was packed with local residents last night (27th June) to hear proposals from Shropshire Council and BT how broadband would be improved in rural areas of western Shropshire.

Council officers explained that the aim was to cover 93% of the County with superfast broadband and the remainder to have broadband delivering up to 2mb per minute. They however gave no details of which exchanges would be upgraded or which areas would not be covered by superfast broadband.

It was made clear by several in the audience that rural areas had suffered from poor service for long enough and any upgrades should commence with areas like ours along the Welsh border.

I think this meeting made it clear to both the Council and BT just how strong the feeling is in our area on this issue and how sceptical local people are than any real improvement will be made. We must keep up the pressure here to make sure we get as good a connection here as in the rest of the County.
