Stiperstones and Snailbeach News January 2013

First of all can I wish you all a Happy New Year! Let us hope that 2013 does not bring any further major problems for the Snailbeach and Stiperstones area- such as pylons, closing toilets or threats to schools!

Much of my work over the last couple of weeks has been focused on marshalling opposition to the proposed removal of 7 miles of hedgerow near Chirbury. The public meeting I arranged at short notice still attracted over 100 people. I’ve also campaigned hard in the media (Including ‘west Midlands Today’ on the BBC) and got Phil Bennion , a Member of the European Parliament and a farmer himself, to visit the site.
In the 21st century the wholesale destruction of such habitat and of our traditional landscape is wholly unacceptable. This would change our treasured landscape forever and eave it looking more like Wyoming than the Welsh border. The good news is that the Council has received hundreds of objections including some heavyweights like a Ecology Professor from Cambridge. Hopefully, together with all the environmental and historical evidence that has been turned up, this should enable the Council to serve retention notices on most if not all these hedgerows.

The new federation between Stiperstones and Chirbury Schools goes from strength to strength. Both schools have now been rate ‘Good’ by OFSTED, the inspectors highlighting the benefits that the federation has brought to the children.

If anyone has missed out on 30mph wheelie bin stickers or ‘Slow Down’ ones, give me a ring or email me. I have more now.

I am still pressurising the council’s contractors (Ringway) to replace the bus stop board in Tankerville. The post has been replaced but the bus stop was notice not attached!

The Hemford Cross Roads activated signs should finally have been installed- after much nagging!

I’ve had a number of pot holes filled in over the last couple of weeks and am now concentrating on the ones near Shelve which are truly dreadful. If you know of any more or of any drains that are still not working properly, please let me know.


Heather Kidd
Member for Chirbury and Worthen
Shropshire Counci