Worthen Village Hall was packed on Saturday 25th February for a meeting to protest against the proposal to build a wind farm between Worthen and Minsterley.
The meeting was called (and chaired) by local Shropshire Councillor Heather Kidd and several concerned residents of the area. “This was a huge turnout from a very rural community like ours with people coming from Stiperstones, Hope, Minsterley and Marton as well as Worthen and Brockton. The sheer size of these things are going to impact on all our lives and ruin the landscape.”
EDF Energy are proposing an 8 turbine scheme on the flat valley bottom between Minsterley and Worthen. The proposed turbines will be 127 m (413 ft) high. They have also put in an application for a 70 m (230 ft) high monitoring mast on the site to gage wind speeds etc before the main masts are constructed.
“I am absolutely appalled” said Heather “First the pylons and now this! And why on earth the valley bottom? I am absolutely opposed to this and will fight it tooth and nail. The community will fight this every step of the way. They started today by writing their letters of objection to the test mast. We were also lucky enough to have members from Vortex, a campaigning group from North Shropshire, with us to tell us about their successful fight against a similar application!”
It is expected that a full application for the 8 turbines is expected to be placed by Christmas.