Outrage At Council Misinformation

Toilet Statements A Travesty
Councillors across South Shropshire have expressed out rage at a statements made by Shropshire’s Portfolio for Toilets in the press about the costs incurred by parish councils in taking them on this month.
Clee Councillor Richard Huffer said “This is a blatant distortion of the reality of the situation. Town and Parish councils were told bluntly take them over by 1 April or Shropshire Council will close them. Communities like Clee and Craven Arms who didn’t have the resources to pay for them have seen them close whilst others have had to raise their precepts to pay for them. Effectively this is putting up the council tax by the back door.
“There has also already been a number if incidents of members of the public desperate for the need of a toilet on Clee Hill, leading to much inconvenience and embarrassment.”
Administration Portfolio Holder Cllr Martin Taylor-Smith announced in a press release that ‘Transfer of toilets at no cost to Town or Parish Councils…….’

‘Most Town or Parish Councils were more than happy to have the transfer take place……’
Cllr Heather Kidd said “This is taking spin to new and unacceptable levels. Most parishes were horrified to have these toilets dumped on them, especially as many of the users are tourists from outside the area – tourism being very much the remit of the County not small local communities.
“Many communities are struggling to make up the financial shortfall as a result of the Council’s cuts. Clun has had to double the precept it charges to the community and one of my parishes is adding £500 to the amount it charges its residents.
“It’s an insult to people’ intelligence to try and pass off this chance as being welcomed by our communities. It’s often been a huge struggle and sometimes proved impossible to deliver.”