This Week Saw The First Meeting Of The Worthen Flood Forum,

This week saw the first meeting of the Worthen Flood Forum, a body that aims to bring together village residents and various agencies to try and solve the long running flood problem in the village. Local Councillor Heather Kidd explained “For years residents have been suffering from repeated flooding along Millstream including a number of bad incidents over recent months. There have been several attempts to solve this problem in the past with little success. This time we have brought together almost all the parties concerned and are determined to try and sort this once and for all.”
Some 15 or so people from the village attended the meeting along with representatives from Environment Agency, Council Highways Department, a Land Drainage Officer, South Shropshire Housing Association, Worthen flood Action Group and Ward Councillor Heather Kidd. The meeting began with an explanation of issues and the role of stream (riparian) owners was explained.(These include the Church, farmers and the Housing Association.) In the discussion that followed residents suggested a number of solutions from raising the bridge to clearing deposits in the brook at the right time of year.
The following action points we agreed:
. Farmers will be educated in their responsibilities – including stopping hedge cuttings being washed into the brook.
. There will be free technical advice on flood proofing properties as a pilot scheme in the County
. The energy provider EON will be asked to remove a pipe across the brook
. A request will be made to the owner of an access bridge made from sleepers, downstream from the affected properties, to replace it with a higher structure.
Heather concluded “This is a good start but we must keep the momentum up. If anyone would like the free advice on flood proofing, then contact either Sarah Crossland, the Parish Clerk, or myself.”