Shropshire’s Tory Council Refuse To Prepare For Winter

Heather Kidd, Liberal Democrat Parliamentary Candidate for Ludlow constituency, has criticised the Shropshire Council’s Administration for refusing to review gritting arrangements in the County before 2010 despite last year’s shambles.
Heather said “I’ve been in quite detailed discussion with County Officers and its quite obvious that they are been starved of the resources to make any meaningful improvement. Last winter a number of settlements in the hills close to where I live, notably Priest Weston and Bentlawnt, were virtually cut off for days during severe weather because of inadequate gritting provision. School buses, in particular, suffered”
Heather has managed to secure the inclusion of some extra provision along Drury lane near Bentlawnt, Hope School and at Stockton, West of Marton.
“However” continues Heather “its clear from my conversations with Officers that no real review of the problem will take place until 2010 and no extra resources of any size have been put in place for this winter. Lets hope it’s a mild winter!”
The Liberal Democrat group on Shropshire Council will be renewing their efforts to get the gritting programme extended and properly resourced if forthcoming meetings on the council to try and avoid last winter’s mayhem.