Heather Kidd Welcomes Cross Border Access To Free Swimming

Following an initiative by the Liberal Democrat Unitary Council Leader, Nigel Hartin, agreement has been reached for free access to be given to Powys pools for residents living just across County borders. The local and National Press had been alerted to the fact that whilst Shropshire allowed free access under a Government funded initiative to its swimming pools to everybody eligible, irrespective of where they lived, Powys Council barred residents living across the border in Shropshire.
Speaking after the meeting which was held in Llandridnod Wells on Monday 12th October and attended by the Heads of Service from both Shropshire & Powys Council, Cllr Nigel Hartin, who organised the meeting, said “I am extremely pleased that we have reached an agreement which will allow residents from bordering Counties access to their local swimming pools in Powys”.
Final details of the arrangements should be finalised in time for the reopening of Knighton pool in mid November which is currently closed undergoing a refit.
Knighton Cllr Ken Harris of Powys Council, who attended the meeting with Powys Portfolio Holder Cllr Gwyn Gwillim, said “Commonsense has to prevail here, its nonsense that young & old residents of Kinsley road in Knighton cannot receive the benefits of free swimming at their local swimming pool a matter of a short walk away, instead only being able to access this by travelling to Shropshire’s pools in Bishops Castle or Ludlow”