Heather Kidd Supports Local Liberal Democrat Councillor On ‘Blue Badge’ Problems

Heather Kidd has welcomed moves by local Liberal Democrat Councillor, Tracey Huffer, to tackle problems with the administration of disabled badges for car drivers.
Tracey Huffer, Liberal Democrat Shropshire Councillor for Ludlow East, is to have discussions with the officers who administer the County’s ‘Blue Badge’ disabled badge scheme for the County following a number of complaints from local residents.
Tracey said “Ludlow and Bridgnorth have a high proportion of elderly residents who qualify for the scheme because of mobility difficulties. However the badge needs renewing every few years and this is where the problems have arisen.
I’ve had a number of complaints on the methodology now used by a number of assessors who only check an applicant’s mobility on level ground not on slopes. As I nurse I know that there are a great many elderly people who can walk on level ground but have big problems with slopes. As Ludlow and Bridgnorth are so hilly they need these badges to be able to access shops and services.
Following a number of incidents where individuals have been turned down because they can walk on the flat, I will be speaking to the people who run the Blue Badge Scheme via the Council. and will be seeking clarity on how assessment is undertaken. There certainly seems to be a questions that need to be asked about the fairness of the system with genuine cases finding it difficult to get a badge.”
Heather Kidd has asked for anyone to contact her if they have had problems with Blue Badge assessment.