Closure of Village Schools is Direct Result of Lack of Affordable Homes in Rural Areas

Heather has welcomed the publication of a report by the National Housing Federation (NHF), and called on housing and planning authorities to improve their performance before our rural communities die.
The report by NHF has found that 62 rural primary schools closed between 2004 and 2008 and suggests that another 200 village schools will close across the UK before 2014 as families are priced out of the countryside.
Heather echoed the views of Tim Farron, Liberal Democrat M.P. for Westmorland and Lonsdale, “This report is yet more evidence of the crisis in our rural communities. Young families simply cannot afford to live in the countryside any more. We need to take real action before it is too late. We need more affordable housing for local families built on sites with community support. We also need to make the best use of innovative schemes like ‘Home on the Farm’.”