More Embarrassment for Cameron as Tory Candidates Exposed As Lobbyists

After all the shameful exposures of M.P.’s expense excesses The Times newspaper has revealed that dozens of Conservative parliamentary candidates are actually working as paid lobbyists for businesses with vested interests.
The Times investigation showed that 28 prospective candidates, in target seats, are working as lobbyists or public relations consultants on behalf of businesses and other interests. Even more damning is the fact that nearly 25% of these took up their jobs after being selected as a candidate.
Some of them have already admitted to pursuing agendas for their clients with senior Tory M.P.’s and others have been busy setting up meetings for their clients with senior Tories.
Heather Kidd said “This is another example of a hollow gesture from David Cameron, so much for his promise to introduce an era of “new politics”. Over 20% of his selected candidates for their target seats will have worked for public affairs companies. Whereas less than 2% of Liberal Democrat prospective candidates in target seats have jobs in an area that could compromise their integrity.”