Heather Kidd Backs Liz Lynne’s Call To Get a Fairer Deal for Local Dairy Farmers

Heather Kidd has welcomed the adoption today of a European Parliament resolution today addressing the crisis in the dairy sector. The resolution called for a range of measures to be taken forward to help dairy farmers, many of whom have seen the price of their milk drop dramatically in recent months.
Many Dairy farmers are now selling milk at a loss, which means they are losing money each month and relying on their savings, which is not sustainable.
Heather Kidd commented today; “The current market situation for so many of our dairy farmers is terrible. Large supermarkets are forcing many of them to sell milk at a loss so that they can use milk as a loss leader to get people in their shops. I have heard of cases where our farmers are having to rely on their savings to get by. The resolution from the European Parliament which local Liberal Democrat MEP, Liz Lynne, has backed calls for our dairy farmers to receive more help and exposes the role of the large supermarkets.
“The Liberal Democrats have for a long time now called for an independent supermarket regulator to look at supermarket domination and the effect that this is having on our farmers in particular.”