Heather Kidd Helps With Cross Border Travel Problems

The Local Government Association is to take action over the long running shambles over cross border travel in Shropshire and other Marcher counties following the intervention of local LGA transport Board member Cllr Heather Kidd.
Heather explained “Wales has had free travel anywhere for pensioners and the disabled for a number of years. When England followed suit in April 2008 it quickly became apparent that no-one in either Government had talked to one another about travel in border areas. Apart from a few exceptions such as Welshpool and Wrexham this means that a pensioner living in my village on the border can travel free to Bournemouth but not Barmouth!. Particular difficulties have arisen when pensioners have boarded buses to return to their home country.”
At a meeting of the Regeneration and Transport board last week Heather secured two things:
1. A commitment from Nick Bisson, the Director of Regional and Local Transport and the Department of Transport to start a discussion on this issue with the Welsh Assembly.
2. The formation of a joint working part involving the LGA, the Wales Local Government Association and both Governments to bring a speedy resolution of this problem.
“Whats really galling” concluded Heather “Was that Mick Bates, AM for Montgomeryshire has already secured the Assembly’s agreement to talk about this a year ago but nothing evidently has happened.from the Westminster side”