Heather is making an urgent plea to Telford and Wrekin Council to urgently upgrade signs to the Princess Royal Hospital in Telford following an emergency involving her daughter on Wednesday (27th).

My eldest daughter was rushed to the Consultant Maternity Unit at the Princess Royal on Wednesday – from Welshpool Hospital- after complications with the birth of her son. The ambulance team were excellent and got her to Telford in less than 40 minutes however the rest of us were left wandering round Telford roundabouts due to the poor directional signs to the hospital.

Hospital signs off the M54 are good but after you have gone through two roundabouts the ‘ H’ symbol disappears leaving stressed friends searching through signs and frequently missing the ordinary written signage. Even when you get to the Hospital the new Consultant Maternity Unit isn’t well marked causing more stress and delay as you struggle through the site to the back passing other Maternity wards.

Cllr Kidd will be putting a question on this issue at the next meeting of the Health and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Committee.